Original versus fake diamond
If you want to buy a diamond, you must be careful because it can be something fake. The following is the tip and trick to know about original diamond.
1. Simple solutions or the methods that will enable you to find out the difference between the fake vs. real diamond. The best way to know about the precious diamond is to acquire knowledge from a diamond professional. If possible take the diamond along with you to the shop and get all the details from the jeweler. The best fake diamond looks so similar to the real diamond that even a professional diamond jeweler may get confused and may have hard time to finding out whether it is a fake or the real diamond.
2. The second method is to check the diamond with the help of diamond tester as it will help you to differentiate between real diamond and best fake diamond. It is an electronic tester that can check all the diamonds except the moissanite stone for which the diamond tester is not reliable. The best fake diamond is the cubic zirconia and the weight of this diamond is around 50% more than a real diamond of the same size and shape. This weighing test also can find out the difference between fake vs. real diamond.
3. The third method for checking the best fake diamond is the transparency test in which the diamond is placed up side down on the news paper and if the written matter from the newspaper is legible then be sure that the diamond is not the real one and it can be a best fake diamond. One of the disadvantages of this method is that some of the stones may appear to be a real diamond due its fine cutting. In this case, one needs to be sure about the cutting methods of the stones. This method is very common and enables you to find the real diamond from the best fake diamond.
4. The forth method that helps you to differentiate between fake vs. real diamond is the fog test. Hold the stone or the diamond and blow some air from your mouth on to the stone, if the fog appears on the stone and stays there for next few seconds then it shows that the stone is a best fake diamond because in case of a real diamond, the heat disappears instantly. The oily layers and dirt on the stone might create some problems to differentiate fake vs. real diamond. Thus, before carrying out a test for best fake diamond, clean its surface properly.
5. The fifth ultra violet test is another method that will enable you to find out the real diamond from the best fake diamond. The real diamond projects blue color light if put under the ultra violet light or the black color. There are two options, if the blue light does not appear, it can be best fake diamond or can be a high quality diamond.
By choosing one or entirely methods above, you be satisfied with diamond you are going to buy, or at least you will not buy expensive for the fake one.
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